Category: Meeting Minutes

General Assembly: May 27, 2012

Introductions, Rules and Hand Signals

Announcements and Working Group Report Backs

  • Energy Working Group – Had a successful movie matinee prior to General Assembly, Creative writing Wednesday May 30 at Sessions 1820 Spring Garden Ave from 7pm-9pm, Sunday we will relaunch Sundays volunteer based canvassing Sunday June 3 at Glenwood Coffee and Books from 2pm till 3:30pm every Sunday, and Energy Working Group meeting Wednesday June 6 at Glenwood Coffee and Books from 7pm till 9pm.
  • Resolution Working Group – attended NC General Assembly in Raleigh and meet with representatives, Meets Friday June 1 starts at 6:30 and meet at the Elliot Building.
  • CAAO – meeting Fridays at 5:30pm at Glenwood Coffee and Books
  • Employment Working Group – needs more participants
  • Noam Chomsky will be in Grensboro on Saturday, June 2 speaking about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. See Al for more details. Tickets may be purchased online here.
  • Unitarian fellowship meeting at Glenwood Coffee and Books Sundays, see Al for more details.
  • Bridgid who coordinated Bank vs America will be at Glenwood Coffee and Books Sunday June 3 at 3:pm to brainstorm for ideas relative to the DNC and Elections. She will probably stay for our GA if there is a good turn out.


  • Set aside June 10th GA to discuss what are the possibilities for actions by us and other coalitions prior to the DNC, and action around the inauguration of our next president. Potluck at 6:00pm.
  • PASSED General Assembly needs a good turn out for this event!!!


  • Anti-Convention (referring to RNC and DNC)
  • How do you get a working group started?

Energy Working Group: May 23, 2012


  • Discussion of our presentation at the GA on Sunday 5/20.
  • We have been invited to give a presentation at a church, upcoming
  • Recruitment of organizers for canvassing

Press Release

  • All materials given to Nathan, who only now needs dates and discriptions for upcoming events. Emiley will call him with the dates for meetings, creative writing sessions, and orientation for canvassing program. Emiley and Val will be the contact persons for press information.
  • First Orientation for Canvassing Program: Thursday June 28th from 5:30-8:30 at Glenwood.
  • Canvassing on Thursdays (6 weeks beginning on July 5).

Discussion about anti-fracking action

  • Kate attended anti-fracking rally in Raleigh on 5/19. Many NC organizations were represented. This is a good opportunity to connect with other organizations and our Greensboro community about keeping fracking out of NC. Kate will write an email to rapid release and discussion forum for OGSO, including a comprehensive article, petition, and legislator contact info.
  • A movie called Split Estates just showed at the Riverrun Film Festival in Winston this year that was very good. A/peture showed it.

“OGSO Energy Summer”

  • Inspired by the history of Martin Luther King Junior’s Vietnam Summer of 1967, the Occupy Greensboro Energy Working Group would like to announce the Occupy Energy Summer of 2012. This summer, the Occupy Greensboro Energy Working Group will host a series of programs and events in order to raise awareness about problems related to fracking, coal, and nuclear energy in NC; pending legislation such as the CWIP bill (Construction Work in Progress, also known as the Duke Energy Annual Rate Hike) and to raise awareness of sustainable energy sources and energy alternatives. Activities include:
    • Summer Energy Internship
    • Collaborative Writing and Airing of a Radio Drama
    • Weekly door-to-door Canvassing of experiences and opinions about energy and alternative resources
    • Community Movie and Discussion nights about energy resources
  • For more information, please contact Val and Emiley.

Recruitment of summer internships

  • Career offices at area colleges and university, high schools will be closing soon for summer.
  • Valerie will write a blurb for PTA Morningstar, Glenwood Neighborhood association.
  • Activities for YesWeekly and GoTriad.
  • When we go canvassing, we should recruit and leave calling cards.
  • Posting flyers at Greensboro Parks and Rec community centers
  • Church youth groups

New Facebook Page
Use OGSO logo for profile pic, people can “like” the page and add to our online presence.


  • Canvassing
    • Kate-make event for canvassing and send OGSO website
    • Kate – draft schedule of canvassing for June and hand off before trip
    • Recruit for Canvassing Program
      • Val – blurb MSA about program
      • Al- post to Glenwood list serve
      • Val – post to GW facebook
      • Emiley – make flyer
      • Val –send info to Christina at Central library
      • Al –take to Glenwood library
      • Val – take to Glenwood rec


    • Emily – organize food for Movie
    • Val –reminder email to Ed about sound system
    • Val – meet Ed @12 for set up PA
    • Kate – set up event for movie
    • Emiley – send a reminder about the May 30 radio drama


    • Next Energy Meeting – June 6
    • Announce at GA – May 27 – Emily, June 3 – Kate
    • Al announce at Tuesday GA – May 29 and June 5
    • Al email all interested parties and get with Ken to make phone calls
    • Emiley- finalize press release with Nat

General Assembly: May 20, 2012

Ken K. – Facilitator
Dave R. – Notes
Nathan P. – Stack Keeper


Review Ground Rules and Hand Signals

Report Backs

  • Foreclosure Working Group: Weekly meetings are still Thursday morning at 8:30am. One of the active member’s home was scheduled to be auctioned. They went to the courthouse with other members and a video camera. One buyer was there and left when they realized they would be observed. We have researched whether or not filming can happen there and it appears that we may be able to.
  • March on the NC General Assembly will be May 29. See Barbara for more information. There may be a bus headed over there.


  • See Barbara or Paul to “check-out” a copy of the film “Koch Exposed.”
  • Baltimore Police Department was sued over their effort to block citizen filming of police activities in the public. The judge ruled against the Police Department.
  • Homeland Security was involved in work undermining the Occupy movement. These documents were brought out through a FOIA request and are online.
  • Anyone interested in faith-based issues in relation to Occupy organizing should see Thomas.

No proposals offered.

Discussion Topics

  • Use of narratives in the Occupy movement and outreach to faith communities. TABLED.

Energy Group presentation and proposal
We viewed a PowerPoint presentation about how the energy market functions and how the upcoming rate hike bill will be brought. It will likely not be public until the votes exist to pass it. Then it will be pushed through very quickly.

The EWG presented it’s proposal for a summer organizing campaign to raise opposition to the annual rate hike bill and develop new interest in sustainable energy. Discussion continued after the break.


May 22, 2012 General Assembly
Facilitator: Thomas
Note Taker:
Stack: Ed W.

May 27, 2012
Facilitator: Nathan P.
Note Taker:
Stack: Ken K.

Foreclosure Working Group: May 17, 2012

Facilitator: Barbara
Notes: Christina
Present: Barbara, Paul, Mitch, Christina, Jane, Ricky, Kevin, Ed, Marnie, Mike, Nathan

Report on Charlotte May 9th

  • The protest was well coordinated with the police, there was one arrest, but that was to defuse a situation, and it was estimated that the police didn’t want to arrest anyone as they didn’t want to spend time in court. There were 100s of police and the streets were completely blocked off, there were helicopters and some of the stockholders could not get into the building from their own security. It was brought up that the overall impact was questionable outside of personal satisfaction, though it did get lots of positive national press.

Charlotte, May 10th

  • The seminar was extremely well organized with over 300 people in attendance, and was also interpreted in Spanish. Even children attended. Seminar about how renters were successfully tackling their problems. There was a woman telling her story about trying to save her deceased grandmother’s home and the steps that were taken such as inundating the bank’s phone lines with calls and sitting outside the bank. One group had outlined these steps, which Ricky will list and email to everyone. The concept of ‘stay in your home’ was made very clear. The community buying homes project so people can move back had many drawbacks such as not allowing anyone with a criminal record to live in the homes, and many other restrictions that made that that program less than ideal and/or questionable. Other communities were able to pass ordinances to impose large penalties on banks for foreclosure in order to keep up foreclosed properties. We learned there are 3 levels to a home defense and that a manual on home defense is being produced by City Life in Boston so that other occupies can avoid their mistakes.
  • Mike’s foreclosure auction was canceled, as the bank was finally made aware that he posted a bond for a judicial case. Six occupiers joined Mike at the Clerk of Court’s office and managed to chase off one buyer. The trustee agent was definitely nervous. Security came and shut down the video recording and the legalities of that are going to be looked into. Mike’s judicial appeal will be Oct 15, and no action against his home can be taken until after that time. Then he will have 10 days to vacate if he does not have a favorable judicial process, but either way, Mike maintains he is not leaving his home. It was suggested that these foreclosure sale proceedings could be a good choke point for further action and a field trip may be organized and other protests there will be contemplated.

Support Group

  • The pilot program has met with 3 families who have told their stories and every situation is vastly different. This may not be the venture to offer anyone solutions outside of support. This committee was designed to handle people when they contact us, but there is no intention to do outreach as there is not the people power for such action and each case is proving very time consuming. It was also noted that our real experience is limited.
  • Mike brought an FHA audit performed by the Office of Inspection General of HUD on Wells Fargo. The synopsis is that of the 22 random sample cases, 14 went to foreclosure and all 14 were robosigned. Wells Fargo hired employees with backgrounds of fast food and factory work and promoted them to Vice President without any training and told them to sign 100s of documents a day. The notaries did not check their work, were not even in the same room and many times notarized unendorsed documents. In many cases the notaris gave their seals to others to sign on their behalf. When one office tried to train themselves, the bank ordered them to stop and just do their signatures. Many were processing 600 signatures a day. The findings from this document were used in negotiating a settlement of 25 billion with the banks.

Fraud Detection

  • Nat has 2 people that are ready to do it themselves. Barbara, Paul, Christina and Chang are going to start with Lynn on the 31st of May. The Google calendar are just for the organizers, though they may consider expanding it to the other fraud detectives.

Meeting adjourned

General Assembly: May 13, 2012

Baby Meeting Notes: GA 05.13.12, 04:10

This Sunday’s meeting came about organically with five persons sitting with Al sharing info about the BoA protest. Al began, then Barbara Council and Barbara Carrano shared their experiences, as others arrived and entered the conversation.

Next, B. Carrano reported back re: the Foreclosure Seminars held May 10th the day after the protest. More people showed up, one was Kevin who elaborated on some of the issues reported by B. Carrano.

Jane reported there was no Foreclosure Working Group meeting last week due to the BoA event. However, Jane was happy to report Mitch and she successfully engaged foreclosure victims, stating the response from them was one of comfort and appreciation for taking the time to talk with them about their plight.

Bobbie announced she needed help finding a home for two dogs she rescued. Ken came to her rescue through his friend that finds homes for rescued dogs. Problem solved. Twinkle fingers all around.

Jane initiated an open discussion about Amendment One, as more people arrived. B. Carrano suggested a possible recall due to numerous reports across the state of persons unable to vote against the amendment, because it did not appear on their ballot. Paul informed Democracy NC is investigation the issue. Ed suggested a recall would be unlikely due to the wide margin by which the amendment was passed.

Along the same line, Al reported a New York Times article stated the number of repressive bills aimed at women’s rights had risen from around 20 in 2010 to 80 in 2011. Mark related his belief that most of the repressive bills we see being passed, on the state level across the country, originate in ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council). Ed quipped, the “American Legislative Evil Council”. Paul offered a tactical remedy to ALEC and the repressive legislation we are experiencing.

The plan, already underway across the country, is to lobby state and municipal representatives to pass resolutions overturning Citizens United. When enough states pass the resolution, Congress will be forced to amend the US Constitution. The amendment will shut off the corporate money feeding ALEC and free our politics from corporate control.

Paul also offered to transport 4 more volunteers to March in Raleigh on May 23 and to lobby our legislators for support of the “NC Voters for Clean Elections” resolution. Their resolution to overturn Citizens United will be formally introduced to the NC General Assembly later that same morning.

Most colorful dialogue developed in the group when Paul suggested it would be akin to cutting off the “beast’s head” in stead of fighting it at each tentacle, as we are now doing with Amendment One, BoA, Energy, Environment, Justice, Poverty, etc.

About here, a more formal GA arose and grew out of need. Paul began taking stack. B. Carrano began taking notes, and Marikay began keeping time. After more comments and questions, Marikay called break.

After break Paul was drafted as facilitator, primarily due to his failure to appear and co-facilitate at the last Sunday GA as promised. B. Carrano took stack and kept notes.

Al announced Noam Chomsky will be speaking at UNCG on June 2nd. Also, that for the first time, Al would be allowed to sell his books at an event like this. Heretofore, Barnes & Noble held exclusive book sale rights/opportunity. Again, Twinkle Fingers!

Marikay announced Joanna Macy will speak on “Respected Voices” at 7PM on May 23rd at Holy Trinity Church in the Haywood Duke Room. This engagement will be preceded by a wine and cheese reception at 6PM in the Sacred Garden Bookstore.

Announcements concluded and we moved onto Discussion.

Ken opened with Buddhist methods of detachment as a means of coping with the inherent frustration of advocacy work. Ed, Al and Marikay gave support to the theory. Barbara Council shared her thoughts and emotions on the issue, as did Andy, Kevin, Nebo and others.

Marikay called for Reflection, and the GA was ended thereafter.

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