People from across North Carolina are headed to Greensboro this weekend for the ReWeaving NC conference. This event brings together people interested in building a new economy based on solidarity, cooperation, and sustainability.
Several staff of the Fund for Democratic Communities are presenting, along with our friends from PB Greensboro and the Renaissance Community Coop. It will be a great space to think and dream and plan together about the North Carolina we want, and have already begun, to build.
Ed Whitfield and Marnie Thompson will give the keynote talk Friday night (the opening plenary is tomorrow evening) at UNC Greensboro. On Saturday Alyzza will be co-facilitating a session connecting our struggles with the old economy to the new economy using Theatre of the Oppressed tools.
PB Greensboro will run a mock Participatory Budgeting process, and the Renaissance Community Coop will join members of Fertile Ground Food Coop in Raleigh in a fishbowl-style discussion on the process of organizing and launching a cooperative grocery store.
Ed and Marnie are rounding out Saturday with two other speakers at the Civil Rights Museum from 7-9pm.
The workshops are at the Elliott University Center at UNC Greensboro. UNCG has a great map that lets you pick where you’re coming from and directs you to the exact building on campus you want to go to. Follow this link to find the best way for you to arrive on campus.
Click here to see the full ReWeaving schedule.
Visit the secure registration form to sign up now (or register on site tomorrow).
Hope to see you there!