We’re psyched to see that Greensboro renters are coming together to organize a tenants’ association! Landlord associations have been active in the Triad for a long time, representing the interests of landlords in municipal affairs. Now a countervailing powerbase anchored in the tenant community is coming together! It’s about time – tenants’ groups in other cities have made a huge difference in issues like these:
- Wrongful withholding of security deposits
- Absentee landlords and slumlords who don’t properly care for their properties
- Minimum Housing Code enforcement after RUCO
- Utility hikes (water, Duke Energy) in the face of no earning increases
- Tenants hurt when the homes they rent are caught up in foreclosure
What’s especially cool is that the Greensboro Tenant Association will be run for and by tenants. Tenant advocacy by groups like the Greensboro Housing Coalition is much appreciated, but it needs to be complemented (if not led by) powerful advocacy and organizing by the very folks most affected–renters!
An organizing meeting will be held Saturday, July 7th at 10 am at Spring Garden Bakery, Corner of Chapman and Spring Garden. Download their flyer for more details (pdf).