Tag: Let’s Lose Our House

Hundreds turn out to expose foreclosure crisis in Guilford County!

On the evening of March 14, 2012, Occupy Greensboro‘s Foreclosure Working Group brought together hundreds of local residents to learn about the foreclosure crisis facing Greensboro, Guilford County and the entire country.

We’ll have more information posted here in the coming days about this successful event, future screenings of the film, “Let’s Lose Our House: A Modern Foreclosure Tale”, and other ways for people to get involved in fighting the fraudulent foreclosures sweeping our communities.

For now, enjoy this photo montage from March 14 courtesy GSO Bear:

Jeff Thigpen files suit over robo-signing, will speak at movie premiere

For Immediate Release

Contact: Nathan Pius, [email protected], 732-570-8847

“Save Our Community: Fight Foreclosure!” – Movie Premiere at Carolina Theater

“Let’s Lose Our House: A Modern Foreclosure Tale”

Film Stars, Robots, Crowds and a Red Carpet

Jeff Thigpen will address attendees at the premiere of our locally produced film: “Let’s Lose Our House: A Modern Foreclosure Tale” at the Carolina Theater at 7:00 P.M. Wednesday March 14, 2012.

The Guilford County Register of Deeds announced today he is suing several banks, including Bank of America and Wells Fargo, alleging thousands of mortgage documents filed in the county were fraudulent. Thigpen said the fraudulent documents make it difficult, if not impossible, for his office to track who actually owns the property.

Over the last two years Thigpen has become a national figure in calling attention to document forgery, robo-signing, and other types of mortgage fraud by major banks. His office conducted a study of 6,100 mortgage documents here in Guilford County and discovered that 74 percent, about 4,500 transactions, or a stack of paper two feet high, had problems involving forged signatures and fraudulent documents. His research into robo-signing has been cited in a number of pending court cases as well as in the Associated Press, Business Week, and other national publications.

In appreciation of his efforts on behalf of illegally foreclosed homeowners and Guilford County residents, Thigpen will receive autographs from the film’s robotic “Robo-Signers” who will make a special appearance at the premiere.


  • 5:30 – 6:15: Dinner at the Interactive Resource Center. Provided by Unity in Greensboro Church
  • 6:15 – 6:30: Photo Op: Marchers assemble at IRC, including Cakalak Thunder
  • 6:30 – 6:45: Photo Op: March comes down Washington, turns left on Greene
  • 6:45 – 7:00: Interviews: Early birds arrive
  • 7:00 – 7:05: Photo Op: Paparazzi/Limo arrival
  • 7:15 – 7:22: Real Foreclosure Story. Ricky and Patricia video
  • 7:24 – 7:47: Screen the movie
  • 7:50 – 7:53: Intro Jeff Thigpen
  • 7:53 – 8:03: Featured Speaker: Jeff Thigpen
  • 8:03 – 8:05: Robots give Jeff autographs, and …
  • 8:30 – 8:45: Interviews: Q&A (in lobby or auditorium, depending on size of crowd.)

Excitement builds for March 14 event, Save Our Community: Fight Foreclosure!

Press Advisory

Contact: Nathan Pius, [email protected], 732-570-8847

Movie Premiere at Carolina Theater

“Let’s Lose Our House: A Modern Foreclosure Tale”

Film Stars, Robots, Crowds and a Red Carpet


  • 5:30 – 6:15: Dinner at the IRC. Provided by Unity in Greensboro
  • 6:15 – 6:30: Photo Op: Marchers assemble at IRC, including Cakalak Thunder
  • 6:30 – 6:45: Photo Op: March comes down Washington, turns left on Greene
  • 6:45 – 7:00: Interviews: Early birds arrive
  • 7:00 – 7:05: Photo Op: Paparazzi/Limo arrival
  • 7:15 – 7:22: Real Foreclosure Story. Ricky and Patricia video
  • 7:24 – 7:47: Screen the movie
  • 7:50 – 7:53: Intro Jeff Thigpen
  • 7:53 – 8:03: Featured Speaker: Jeff Thigpen
  • 8:03 – 8:05: Robots give Jeff autographs, and …
  • 8:30 – 8:45: Interviews: Q&A (in lobby or auditorium, depending on size of crowd.)

On March 14 Fight Foreclosure Takes Flight!

On March 14 Fight Foreclosure Takes Flight!

On March 14 Fight Foreclosure Takes Flight!

For Immediate Release

Contact: Nathan Pius, [email protected]

March to the Red Carpet

“Save Our Community: Fight Foreclosure!”
Movie Premiere at Carolina Theater

“Let’s Lose Our House: A Modern Foreclosure Tale”
March, Film Stars, Robots, Crowds and a Red Carpet

A cross-town march is planned from the Interactive Resource Center (IRC) to the Carolina Theater. Marchers will assemble at IRC, 407 East Washington Street, at 6:15 P.M. following a free soup supper and proceed to the Carolina Theater, 310 South Greene Street. Local marching band Cakalak Thunder will provide a back-beat to the parade, as marchers move down Washington Street to Greene Street. The procession will reach the Carolina Theater just in time to welcome the “stars” of “Let’s Lose Our House: A Modern Foreclosure Tale” at their Red Carpet arrival.

The list of participating organizations for this major event is growing with IRC, Guilford Home Ownership Center, Greensboro Housing Coalition, YWCA, American Friends Service Committee, North Carolina Justice Center, Unity in Greensboro Church and MoveOn.org turning out members to watch the movie and listen to Jeff Thigpen, Guilford County Register of Deeds, speak about fraudulent foreclosures.

Tables will be set up in the theater lobby for attendees to speak directly with experts on hand to advise them about fighting fraudulent foreclosure procedures and available resources to help them keep their homes.

In appreciation of his efforts on behalf of illegally foreclosed homeowners, Thigpen will receive autographs from the film’s robotic “Robo-Signers” who will make a special appearance at the premiere.

This is a major civic direct action event in Greensboro so plan your coverage now.

Updates posted to: http://occupyforeclosure.org

Marchers will assemble at 407 East Washington Street at 6:15 P.M. and proceed to the Carolina Theater, 310 South Greene St. Red Carpet arrival event is scheduled for 6:45 P.M.

Jeff Thigpen to address crowd at “Save Our Community: Fight Foreclosure!”

Click above to download flyers

Click above to download flyers

Contact: Nathan Pius, [email protected]; 732-570-8847

Free Event: Movie Premier at Carolina Theater

“Let’s Lose Our House: A Modern Foreclosure Tale”

Film Stars, Robots, Crowds and a Red Carpet

Attendees at a free red carpet Premier for the locally-produced social and political action movie, “Let’s Lose Our House: A Modern Foreclosure Tale” scheduled at the Carolina Theater on Wednesday, March 14, will hear remarks from Guilford County Register of Deeds Jeff Thigpen. The web site FireDogLake lauded Thigpen, who has gained national acclaim as an advocate against fraudulent foreclosures, stating: “Thigpen’s investigation was one of the first systematic assessments of mortgage document fraud in the entire country,” and “The man is dedicated to pursuing justice for those who have been wronged by the financial services industry.”

In appreciation of his efforts Thigpen will receive autographs from the film’s robotic “Robo-Signers.” who will make a special appearance at the premier.

“Let’s Lose Our House” is a smart and funny look at the often misunderstood roots of the housing crash. This short film follows the “all American family” from buying their first home to seeing it foreclosed on and shows how banks and the large financial industry destroyed people’s lives through fraudulent practices. Produced by the Foreclosure Working Group of Occupy Greensboro, the event will unite homeowners facing foreclosure with available resources to understand, recognize and dispute fraudulent practices.

This is shaping up to be a huge civic action event in Greensboro so mark your calendars now.

Updates posted to: https://occupyforeclosure.org

This event will be held Wednesday, March 14, 2012 7:00P.M. at the Carolina Theater in Greensboro; 310 South Greene St.

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