Cooperative movement concerned about President’s budget

Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Proposal
Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Proposal
Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Proposal

The White House released its 2014 budget proposal recently. There are significant changes to the methods cooperative development is funded. The National Cooperative Business Association and CooperationWorks! have both expressed their concern.

Below is NCBA’s response:


NCBA Concerned Over Consolidation Proposal of Rural Development Programs Outlined in President’s FY14 Budget

(WASHINGTON, DC) – In its initial review of the recently released President’s FY14 budget, the National Cooperative Business Association (NCBA) is seriously concerned with the elimination of the only program in the federal government solely focused on cooperative owned businesses.

“In the President’s budget that was released today, there is a proposal to consolidate a number of rural development programs including the Rural Cooperative Development Grant Program (RCDG). The RCDG program provides technical assistance for cooperative expansion and development,” said Mike Beall, president and CEO of NCBA. “I am concerned that consolidating the RCDG program with unrelated rural development programs will diminish the agency’s focus and mission of supporting the advancement of cooperatives. I look forward to discussing this concern with USDA and the White House to learn more on the consolidation proposal.”

Over the next few days, NCBA will host talks with leaders in all cooperative sectors to discuss the effect this outcome will have on cooperative development centers and cooperatives in rural America.

Update: Click here to read about USDA cuts already being put into place.